Patient information library
Information for patients of The Royal Marsden, and their family and carers, to help you understand your diagnosis, treatment and what to expect when you come to our hospital.
Browse by category
Browse by cancer type
Invasive and non-invasive breast cancers
Cancer that starts in the prostate gland
Soft tissue sarcomas and bone sarcomas
Blood cancers
Myeloma, leukaemia and lymphoma
Includes bowel and stomach cancers
Includes cervical and ovarian cancers
Hospital information

Access guides
Do you need to know about accessibility?
Do you want to find out about our facilities?
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Cancer Patients' Voice
Visit the new online platform that gives patients, carers and members of the public the chance to to make a difference to cancer research and care.
Still not sure? Talk to us.
If you have any questions about the information here, please talk to your doctor or nurse. Or contact us if you have any general questions.
Cancer registration
If you are diagnosed with cancer, your NHS team will record information about you and your care. This is shared with the National Cancer Registry. Cancer registration is how we know how many people are getting cancer and what type.